The founding premise of the Motor Maids was to unite women motorcyclists in promoting motorcycle interest.  The initial Constitutional Article establishing the requirements for membership has remained the Motor Maid  hallmark since the first meeting – membership shall consist of women who legally own and operate their own motorcycle or one belonging to a family member.

Informal meetings and get-togethers were held at various national and district events in many parts of the country.  At the 1946 convention, it was decided we needed someone to provide a link between the membership and the Executive Officers.  The State Director system was established.  State Directors are appointed by the President and are responsible for keeping their area membership active and informed.  They are also responsible for hostessing at least one get-together every year.  In the early 90’s, State Director was changed to District Director as the membership became divided into Districts by State/Province or groups of States/Provinces.


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